About the event & the team

In 2023 the first Known World Chatelaine’s Symposium was held virtually via Zoom. It was an incredible experience, and inspired the team to plan the first Known World Newcomer’s Symposium in 2024. Taking the things we learned about running a virtual symposium, and making it even easier for all to join in.

Event Registrations are now OPEN! Register via our quick and easy form here.

Your Event Team is:

Steward: His Lordship Ottar Surtrson, Kingdom of Calontir

Co-Steward: Master Fergus DeBotha, Kingdom of Atenveldt

Track Coordinators:

  • Track 1: Chatelaine 101
    • Coordinator: Dame Mor the Merry, OP, Kingdom of Atlantia
    • Assistant Coordinator: Lady Victoria, Kingdom of Atenveldt
  • Track 2: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB)
    • Coordinator: HL Sorcha McCullogh, Principality of Vindheim
  • Track 3: Introductory hacks to the SCA
    • Coordinator: TBC
  • Track 4: Intro to Martial Topics
    • Coordinator: Sir Cai Dubhghlas, Kingdom of Calontir
  • Track 5: Heraldry
    • Coordinator: Magnifica Beatrice Domenici della Campana, OP, Kingdom of Northshield
  • Track 6: SCA 101
    • Coordinator: Mistress Miranda Logansdottir, Kingdom of Calontir
  • Track 7: Arts & Sciences
    • Coordinator: HL Ælin Kausi, Kingdom of Calontir

Master Scheduler: Mu’allimah Vashti al-A’shariyah, Kingdom of Calontir

Webminister: Mistress Adrienne Furet, Kingdom of Lochac

Special projects: Minion de Bougier, Kingdom of Gleann Abhann

Social media: Ekakibe Yukiko-sama, Kingdom of Atenveldt

Content creator: Baroness Maria (Lana) Castelana, Kingdom of the Outlands

Graphics Specialist: Honorable Lord Malichi MacKenzie O’Corrigan, Kingdom of Calontir