About our class topics

Event Registrations are now OPEN! Register via our quick and easy form here.

While there will be a focus on introducing newcomers to the SCA, there will also be classes for aspiring chatelaines, networking opportunities with people from the entire “Known World”, and a great knowledge base that should be valuable for anyone involved with the SCA.

Our list of Topics and their Coordinators is available below, along with contact details:

  • Chatelaine 101
    • Coordinator: Dame Mor the Merry, OP, Kingdom of Atlantia (contact email)
    • Assistant Coordinator: Lady Victoria, Kingdom of Atenveldt
    • Learn what a chatelaine is and their role in the SCA. This track will focus on teaching the ins and outs of this very important job. We are looking for classes such as “How to interact with strangers”, “Working with families”, “Running successful demos”, and “Retaining newcomers once we’ve recruited them”. Do you enjoy helping our next generation of chatelaines how to have success with our next generation of newcomers? This is the track for you.

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB)
    • Coordinator: HL Sorcha McCullogh, Principality of Vindheim (contact email)
    • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging are very important parts of the SCA. Building bridges that show that everyone has a place in the game we play. From silent heraldry to site accessibility, as well as proper terminology, classes within this track and are all meant to help everyone find their place with us. Some examples of classes include “Consent Culture in the SCA”, “Blind Fighting” and “DEIB Terminology”.

  • SCA 101 and Introductory hacks to the SCA
    • Coordinator: Mistress Miranda Logansdottir, Kingdom of Calontir (contact email)
    • Classes in this track focus on topics revolving around understanding the SCA – from terminology, to hierarchy within the SCA and how to distinguish them, courtesy towards those with court titles (e.g. Baron), courtesy and manners within the populace as a whole, History of the SCA, and various forms of volunteering.
    • This track is focused on providing quality tips and tricks that provide newcomers with a sense of satisfaction and dignity in their garb and camping, all on a budget. We are looking for classes that go beyond ‘buy a sheet from goodwill and make a T tunic’ – we have a lot of well-appointed long-standing members, and while everyone starts somewhere, let’s give folks a start they can feel like they fit in well with. Looking for classes on garb, camping, and travel hacks, how to curate a Gold Key of desirable and quality items.

  • Intro to Martial Topics
    • Coordinator: Sir Cai Dubhghlas, Kingdom of Calontir (contact email)
    • There are a wide variety of SCA Martial Activities you can watch and participate in, including (but not limited to) armored combat, rapier combat, target & combat archery, siege, equestrian, and many more! We’re looking for introductions to the various martial activities, and how folks can get started on their SCA martial journey.

  • Heraldry
    • Coordinator: Magnifica Beatrice Domenici della Campana, OP, Kingdom of Northshield (contact email)
    • In our Society, heraldry has many meanings, and Heralds have many jobs. If you ask about heraldry, you might be asking about the pretty pictures on a fighter’s shield, or the banners flying in the wind in a procession. Someone else asking about heraldry might be wondering about stylized flowers and clouds in a Japanese kamon, screaming eagles in a German Wappenbuch, or gold embroidered lions on an English Prince’s tabard.
    • A gentle asking about the duties of a Society Herald could be seeing a herald between the Thrones, proclaiming the Words of the Crown, or a herald on a tournament field, announcing two combatants before a bout, or some other herald before the populace, presenting Champions and Consorts in procession. Less visible, but no less heraldic, are those heralds who keep records of awards given and received, who receive and process name and armory submissions, who research and teach onomastics and precedence, and who hold heraldic office at every level from herald of the smallest shire to Laurel Queen of Arms.
    • Classes on the Heraldry Track for this Symposium may touch on any aspect of heraldry in our Society. Areas that may be of particular interest to newcomers, and thus are areas we are particularly hoping to feature include but are not limited to: armorial and banner display, regional heraldic style for personas, basic court protocol, titles and forms of address, identification of regalia and badges of office, and the heraldic registration process.
    • There will be two parts to this track. One for classes and the second as a virtual heralds’ point for Heraldic consultations on names and devices.

  • Arts & Sciences
    • Coordinator: HL Ælin Kausi, Kingdom of Calontir (contact email)
    • SCA Arts & Sciences are all the crafts, skills, and technologies practiced in the time period and cultures that our studies cover. SCA participants learn and practice these skills, and then share them with others. You will see the results in use and on display at our events – the costumes (garb) we wear, the armor used in combat, the illuminated scrolls presented in Court, and the recipes used for a feast, just to name a few. Classes in this track focus on introducing the Arts and Sciences of the SCA in “broad strokes”. We want to present the variety and breadth of the wonderful arts and sciences in the SCA.